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Title: Pintas feministas expresiones de comunicación y resistencia contra la violencia machista
Authors: Zúñiga Gil, Valeria Montsserrat
Issue Date: 2-Jun-2022
Publisher: Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas
Abstract: Las pintas han sido una herramienta de protesta popular en México desde las manifestaciones por la matanza del 2 de octubre; sin embargo, el movimiento feminista la ha posicionado, además, como una expresión de resistencia al enfrentarse a críticas no por el fondo de su protesta, sino por su forma de protestar. En este contexto y desde un enfoque comunicológico es que se plantea interpretar el significado de las pintas más representativas del movimiento feminista como expresiones de comunicación y resistencia que evidencian la violencia machista en contra de las mujeres, y su porqué, así como investigar sobre la trascendencia histórica de las mismas para sustentar que se han convertido en un hito en las luchas sociales contemporáneas del país. Para llegar a ello se optó por una investigación cualitativa en la que se realizó un análisis narrativo de 10 pintas —las más contundentes, trascendentes y legibles— realizadas en la manifestación: #NoMeCuidanMeViolan, por ser esta un parteaguas para la movilización feminista. Los resultados indican que, las pintas se traducen en denuncias, demandas y consignas de protesta, cuyos mensajes aluden a hechos concretos y violentos que padecen las mujeres en la actualidad; a la par tienen valor político, histórico y social. Asimismo, se concluyó que las pintas feministas son, no solo una legítima expresión de resistencia contra la violencia machista, sino también una poderosa e innovadora herramienta de comunicación para difundir las demandas y denuncias de mujeres que anteriormente han sido ignoradas por el Estado
Description: Graffiti has been a popular protest tool in Mexico since the October 2 massacre demonstrations. demonstrations after the October 2 massacre; however, the feminist movement has also positioned it as an expression of resistance, facing positioned it as an expression of resistance by facing criticism not for the substance of their protest, but for the form of their protest. the substance of their protest, but rather for the way they protest. In this context and from a communicological In this context and from a communicological approach, we propose to interpret the meaning of the most representative graffiti of the feminist movement as expressions of resistance. of the feminist movement as expressions of communication and resistance that evidence the macho violence against women. the macho violence against women, and why, as well as to investigate their historical transcendence in order to historical transcendence of the same to sustain that they have become a milestone in the contemporary social struggles of the country. contemporary social struggles in the country. In order to achieve this, we opted for a qualitative research in which we carried out a qualitative research in which a narrative analysis of 10 paintings -the most forceful, transcendent and legible- was carried out, and legible - made during the demonstration: #NoMeCuidanMeViolan (#NoMeCuidanMeViolan), as this was a milestone for the mobilization a watershed for feminist mobilization. The results indicate that the graffiti The results indicate that the graffiti translate into denunciations, demands and protest slogans, whose messages allude to concrete and violent acts and violence suffered by women today; at the same time, they have political, historical and social value, historical and social value. Likewise, it was concluded that feminist graffiti are not only a legitimate expression of resistance against expression of resistance against macho violence, but also a powerful and innovative communication tool to innovative communication tool to disseminate women's demands and denunciations that have been previously ignored by the that have previously been ignored by the State
Other Identifiers: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Appears in Collections:*Tesis*-- M. en Inv. Humanísticas y Educativas

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