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Title: Ciberfeminismo vs. Androcentrismo; uso de Facebook como herramienta para contrarrestar paradigmas de género
Authors: Uribe de la Torre, Anna Patricia
Issue Date: 8-Dec-2021
Publisher: Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas
Abstract: El objetivo de la investigación es hacer visible que el ciberfeminismo a través de la red social Facebook contribuye a combatir a los enemigos de la igualdad de género que son, principalmente: el androcentrismo, que da un papel central al varón en el mundo; el patriarcado, que permite la desigualdad de forma legal, cultural y social; y el machismo, conducta arraigada en las familias en la que el sexo masculino domina al femenino; esto para contribuir a erradicar paradigmas de género y a transformar los imaginarios colectivos a favor de los derechos de la mujer. Para esto, se analizaron tres páginas de la red social Facebook en la capital de Zacatecas que se dedican a difundir temas feministas y que sirven como medio de comunicación para establecer reuniones y movilizaciones en la ciudad, con el fin de estudiar los contenidos que se publican y difunden en ellas, especialmente las publicaciones previas a la marcha en remembranza del Día de Acción Global para el Acceso al Aborto Legal y Seguro, que se conmemoró el 28 de septiembre de 2021 en diferentes partes de la república mexicana, incluyendo la capital zacatecana. Para la integración y redacción de los instrumentos de investigación se tomó como base el problema central de este trabajo desglosado en categorías, variables e indicadores que sirvieron para crear las guías de obtención de datos por medio de entrevistas realizadas a tres activistas feministas de la capital del estado de Zacatecas, quienes coincidieron en que la mujer sigue en un papel secundario y de agradecimiento por las oportunidades que se le han brindado, mientras el varón aún se coloca en los puestos de poder más importantes; como jefe de familia y proveedor del hogar.
Description: The aim of the research is to make visible that cyberfeminism through social network Facebook contributes to combat the enemies of gender equality which are, androcentrism, which gives a central role to the male in the world; patriarchy, which allows inequality in legal patriarchy, which allows inequality in a legal, cultural and social way; and machismo, behavior rooted in families in which the male sex dominates the female; this in order to contribute to eradicate to contribute to eradicate gender paradigms and to transform collective imaginaries in favor of women's rights. in favor of women's rights. For this purpose, we analyzed three pages on the social network Facebook in the capital of Zacatecas that dedicated to disseminating feminist issues and that serve as a means of communication to establish meetings and mobilizations in the city of Zacatecas. meetings and mobilizations in the city, in order to study the contents that are published and disseminated on them, in order to published and disseminated in them, especially the publications prior to the march in remembrance of the Day of commemoration of the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion, which was commemorated on September 28, 2009. commemorated on September 28, 2021 in different parts of the Mexican Republic, including the capital of Zacatecas. For the integration and drafting of the research instruments, the central problem of this work was taken as a basis, broken down into the following sections problem of this work, broken down into categories, variables and indicators that served to create the research the data collection guides were created by means of interviews with three feminist activists from the capital of Zacatecas, Zacatecas. feminist activists from the capital of the state of Zacatecas, who agreed that women continue to play a secondary and marginalized role in the women are still in a secondary role and grateful for the opportunities they have been given, while men are still in a secondary role. while men still hold the most important positions of power, as head of the family and provider of the household. of the family and provider of the home.
Other Identifiers: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Appears in Collections:*Tesis*-- M. en Inv. Humanísticas y Educativas

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