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Title: On the comparison of different Kernel functionals and neighborhood geometry for Nonlocal Means filtering
Authors: De la Rosa Vargas, José Ismael
Villa Hernández, José de Jesús
Cortez, Joaquín
Gamboa Rosales, Hamurabi
Arceo Olague, José Guadalupe
González Ramírez, Efrén
Issue Date: Jan-2018
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: The present work proposes a review and comparison of different Kernel functionals and neighborhood geometry for Nonlocal Means (NLM) in the task of digital image filtering. Some different alternatives to change the classical exponential kernel function used in NLM methods are explored. Moreover, some approaches that change the geometry of the neighborhood and use dimensionality reduction of the neighborhood or patches onto principal component analysis (PCA) are also analyzed, and their performance is compared with respect to the classic NLM method. Mainly, six approaches were compared using quantitative and qualitative evaluations, to do this an homogeneous framework has been established using the same simulation platform, the same computer, and same conditions for the initializing parameters.
ISSN: 1380-7501
Other Identifiers: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Appears in Collections:*Documentos Académicos*-- M. en Ciencias del Proc. de la Info.

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