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Title: Relationship of residual feed intake on specific hematological and biochemical parameters in Rambouillet sheep
Authors: Rincón Delgano, Romana Melba
Gutiérrez Bañuelos, Héctor
Perez Vázquez, E.D.
Muro Reyes, Alberto
Díaz García, Luis Humberto
Bañuelos Valenzuela, Romulo
Gutiérrez Piña, Francisco Javier
Medina Flores, Carlos Aurelio
Escareño Sanchez, Luis Manuel
Aguilera Soto, Jairo Iván
López Carlos, Marco Antonio
Aréchiga Flores, Carlos Fernando
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Medwell Journals
Abstract: Relationships of Residual Feed Intake (RFI) on hematological and biochemical parameters were determined in Rambouillet sheep. After feeding period of 42 days (research period), RFI was calculated in 1 6 rams and 24 ewes. Lowest negative and highest positive RFI (< 0.5 SD below the mean and> 0.5 SD above the mean, respectively) rams (n= 8) and ewes (n= 12) were selected. From RFI-categorized sheep, hematological and biochemical parameters were evaluated at day 0, 21 and 42 and at day 0 and 42 of the feeding period, respectively. Positive RFI ewes (less efficient) tended (p< 0.10) to have more red blood cells (RBC, IO6 uL)(9.66 vs. 7.68) and less Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH, pg)(9.59 vs. 12.95) than negative RFI ewes. Positive RFI rams have (p< 0.05) more RBC (9.27 vs. 6.67) and White Blood Cells (WBC, 103uL)(10.25 vs 7.77), less Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV; 30.98 vs. 44.11£ L …
Description: Relationships of Residual Feed Intake (RFI) on hematological and biochemical parameters were determined in Rambouillet sheep. After feeding period of 42 days (research period), RFI was calculated in 1 6 rams and 24 ewes. Lowest negative and highest positive RFI (< 0.5 SD below the mean and> 0.5 SD above the mean, respectively) rams (n= 8) and ewes (n= 12) were selected. From RFI-categorized sheep, hematological and biochemical parameters were evaluated at day 0, 21 and 42 and at day 0 and 42 of the feeding period, respectively. Positive RFI ewes (less efficient) tended (p< 0.10) to have more red blood cells (RBC, IO6 uL)(9.66 vs. 7.68) and less Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH, pg)(9.59 vs. 12.95) than negative RFI ewes. Positive RFI rams have (p< 0.05) more RBC (9.27 vs. 6.67) and White Blood Cells (WBC, 103uL)(10.25 vs 7.77), less Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV; 30.98 vs. 44.11£ L …
URI: http://localhost/xmlui/handle/20.500.11845/872
ISSN: 1816-9155
Other Identifiers: info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Appears in Collections:*Documentos Académicos*-- UA Veterinaría

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